EARS Rescue

When called upon, the EARS responds and provides disaster plans in rescuing, evacuating, and sheltering animals in need. This is done through the development of a channel that can work side by side with both individual and local emergency services that need assistance in emergencies, especially those which may dispute local emergency responders. It also helps the locals in sheltering and relocating animals from disaster areas. The EARS program concentrates on the efforts of every individual involved in emergency planning and aid missions for pets and animals. Inferential in this case is the recognition that human safety comes first, but protecting animals and pets helps protect the public too. It is also organized at the regional Animal Response which is in the overall animal response planning structure in Connecticut. The animal response is essential because all the response and emergency community understand that good animal safety leads to great human health. EARS concentrates on community outreach, preparedness, and training. These aspects can be used by any individual that volunteers with this program, even those with no experience in animal rescue, animal handling, or emergency services. Educating people on animal response in schools, businesses, and community groups has been the main focus to help ensure accurate information in case of emergencies regarding animal issues in the community.

Animal response team projects were originally developed in States mostly affected by disasters than Connecticut. The government and private agencies worked side by side to preserve and protect animal life and reduce avoidable risks to animals and people. In its undertaking, the Connecticut State Animal Response Team does not seize authority from any existing state or local factor but preferably creates a resource training and development network that fills out existing private response and government mechanisms.

The Connecticut Emergency Animal Response is a unique way of working with all teams across the state to make sure Connecticut has the resources needed for an effective response when a disaster strikes. The goal is to improve a prompt and effective response when animals and pets face regional or statewide emergencies and disasters to provide technical support to other animal care duties. It has also assisted the Connecticut regions in growing the animal response teams which work within a widespread response mechanism providing support and training across Connecticut. It is safe to say that The Connecticut Emergency Animal Response Service has propelled the allegiance to ensure animal safety in the region.